Monday, March 1, 2010

5 weeks, 5 days...Stepping down

Hello, everybody. In a few days, I'll will be "stepping down" to step 2 on the nicotine patch program.  Kind of exciting, kind of scary.  Am I ready for this?  Am I ready to leave my security blanket of full-strength nicotine?  I've had 2 relapses during this whole time.  The last one, I did not enjoy at all. I was more in a "f-it" kind of mood that day.  And it was really not a nice thing at all.  I felt the harshness of all the chemicals in full force.  I had a headache shortly afterwards.  So, while I am still mentally hooked on the physical habit of smoking, I am no longer enticed by the chemical "pay-off" a cigarette would produce.  There's just no good reason to do it at all for me.  And I just keep thinking, ASTHMA,ASTHMA, ASTHMA, choke, cough, cough,choke.  I don't want to go there again.  I'm grown, I don't have to, any you can't make me!I'm shouting at the pack of cigarettes in my head, not you, lol.

Anyway, it looks like I am having Good n'Plenty candy for dinner tonight.  My husband stopped off at my brother-in-law's house after work, so I got out of dinner duty, yay!  I don't know what it is, but since we've moved into this house, I feel the obligation to make dinner, like it's my duty or something.  Now, I know it's 2010, and that obligation no longer holds water, but none-the-less, I feel it.  Also, I am no good at cooking, even though I try.  I can make chicken at least 10 different ways, haha.  But cookies?  Forget it, they always come out as horrible little fried patties of I don't know what. I still force down a few though, because I know there's chocolate chips in there somewhere, lol. As much as I wish I was naturally talented in the kitchen,and as a homemaker in general, I feel that I do not posses that "homemaker gene".  Do you know what I mean?  I can clean like nobody's business, but I am far from a whiz in the kitchen.

My mother claims, of course, that she's offered many times to show me how to cook, but I never took her up on it.  I think it was probably because she was so busy ordering my sister and I around to make the house look so clean that it appeared as though no one lived there.  Now, that quality (cleaning demon) I know I have! Oh, the twisted effects our mothers have on us!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,

    I am just the opposite. My mother was an immaculate house keeper (because my dad accepted nothing less) and she was a good cook too. I never stuck around long enough for her to teach me how to cook, but I think I must be a natural at it because I turned out to be a pretty good one. As far as my housekeeping...........I am no where near what my mom was. My house is vacuumed and dusted and the beds are made, but you might see some dishes in the sink. That is one of my pet peeves (doing dishes). When I was a teen at home, I had to wash, dry and put away the dishes every day before I could leave the house. As an adult, I look back on it and feel that it wasn't so bad, but as a teen......I hated it! I hardly ever ate at home. I went to school, was in band, had band practice after school and worked. I did not have time to eat at home, but yet every day I had to do the dishes! So, now sometimes I look at the dishes in the sink and say, "I'll do them later" and out the door I go! I don't have a regular schedule for cleaning either. With my mom it was every Saturday morning, vacuum, dust, shake the rugs out and change the sheets on all the beds before you stepped out the door. Now if I feel like going somewhere on Sat. morning, I just go. I am not a regimented person. I like to do things on the spur of the moment.

    As far as your smoking......Good Luck To You:)
    I know that it is a very hard thing to do. I started smoking when I was 16, quit when I was 24, then started again when I was 35. I still smoke today (unfortunately). The biggest trick to stop smoking, in my opinion is, you have to want to. When I quit before, it was because I wanted to. When I started again, I was under a lot of stress (that's a whole other story). So, when I'm ready to quit again, I will.
