Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Baggage drop-off

I am posting this because the link in my previous post di not work.  This is basically an interaction I had between an ex who gave me lots of baggage.  I despised him for years, and thought that deep down when it came down to the wire, that all men would behave towards me in the way I was treated by this guy.

Fortunately, I am happily married t a man that has seen me through more "issues" than I care to mention at the moment, and has put guys like this ex to shame.  Anyways,read on...

Copied from Facebook...
Amanda Yeske Tubo March 12 at 2:31pm


Well, here you are, right in front of me on my screen. If you only had a clue of the emotions that are going through me right now.

Honestly. I'd be suprised if you have more than a vague remembrance of know....your first "wife".

I've been in the habbit lately of getting things of my chest to everyone I have been holding back on, and guess where you are on that list? Numero uno, buddy....for YEARS!

The very last time I physically saw you, I was still living in WI. I was the manager, at the time, of the Cost Cutters in Middleton and you came in. You were with some woman, whom I wondered if you even told you were previously married...probably not. You guys came up in a minivan and a few kids, so I assumed that this was your current wife and those were your kids. I was the one up front who actually cut the woman's hair that you came in with.

Were you such an unbelievable lush when we were together that you didn't even recognize me later on at the hair salon? Or were you hoping I wouldn't remember you? Oh boy have I tried to block the memory of that time, but it's burned into my barin. The way I fell for your charm, the way you begged to "be together" the first night we hooked up. The way you asked me to marry you in the parking lot of an army recruiter's office (in order to get paid more once you joined). Oh ya, I remember all of it.

I remember living with you at your parents house for a while and then being asked to leave. You probably finally admitted to your parents the real reason you asked me to marry you, and then had them do your dirty work for you. Classy.

I remember the farm house in Stoughton, and leaving my job to make a life with you there. Then I remember going for a beer run in the Firebird (which is still on my credit report, by the way), which I was rarely "allowed" to drive, and coming back to that farm house to find find you and some gullable tramp behind a locked bedroom door. Yep, I remember all of it.

I hope that you've at least attempted to grow up since then, and develop some form of remorse for what you did to me. However, I believe in karma, and I know that what goes around comes around.

I can also say that I forgive you for that time, only because without those experiences I wouldn't be where I am now. Which is happily married to an honest man who is there for me when I need him the most.

Peace & Karma to you,


His response...

Kevin  March 12 at 2:48pm Report

Wow!!! Finally an chance for a sincere apology . Thank you for writing me. That was my wife and she went through the same hell you did with me , but for 8 years. Yes , I told her long before we saw you that I was married to you. I also told her when we left that day that Amanda Yeske cut her hair. She was not bothered.

Amanda , as you know , I was for a long time a very selfish , self centered BASTARD . I was not happy being Kevin Rundle and I took it out on you and others. For that I am sorry. I have grown up since then. I have had four children. My kids deserve and have received an honest , hardworking , caring father . I know know how much my " ways " hurt those around me.

Believe it or not I still have our wedding pictures. I cared about you Amanda , but I wasn't capable of Love because I didn't even love myself. I will always remember you and that day . It's not something I'm trying to forget. All the decisions I've made have helped me to be the Man I am today.

Congratulations on your marriage & thank you for this. It's helped me grow even more.


Amanda Yeske Tubo March 12 at 5:30pm

Well I've been waiting many years to say my piece to you. So I guess this has been good for both of us.



Sent via Facebook Mobile Kevin Rundle March 12 at 6:00pm Report

Yup , take care
Scandalous bastard, wasn't he? Although I do appreciate his apology, I do secretly hope that his second marriage was at least slightly as miserable for him as he made my first one.  There is definetely something to be said for closure.  I feel a heck of a lot better that I have no doubt in my mind that he is fully aware of how I felt about what I went through as a result of choosing to be with him.
A note to other girls in similar situations...learn from my mistakes.  Listen to your gut, and don't be swayed by another because of the reward of what promises lay ahead. You knw just as much about the future as he ever will...nothing.  In the famous words of Flavor Flav (I think)..."Don't believe the hype!"

1 comment:

  1. Amanda , I hope you can now hold your head up high and be happy . Do not look back just move on with the one that loves you he seems to make you very happy . Good job letting go .
