Thursday, January 21, 2010

First timer here!

OK, so I'm new to all this blogging stuff.  My sister has had one for a while, so I guess she inspired me in a way.  This blog is mostly going to be about what I go through as I take the uphill journey to quit smoking.  I do tend to ramble when I write sometimes, but that's what blogs are for, right?
Anyway, I am on day 2 without a cigarette.  This has to be at least my fifth time at seriously quitting smoking.  So far, it has been without incident. A little uneasiness, and restlessness, but I expected that.  This isn't my first time at the rodeo. But then again, I haven't left the house either, lol.  My husband called from work about an hour ago (he was quitting we me also), to learn that, as he put it, epically failed today.  He's been off work for a while, due to a foot injury, and this was his first day back.  I think all of the guys at his work smoke.  So, he didn't last long before he asked one of the guys for a smoke.  He says he'll have to do a "do-over" tomorrow.  I hope he really does.  Not only for his health, but to give me strength to keep going as well.
As for me, I would love to have a life free of dependance on anything.  With this quit, more then the others, I truly realize how much of an actual drug these cigarettes are.  I don't think you could know that until you go without.  While a cigarette won't immediately kill you, like an overdose could, the addiction is so powerful that until you get a smoke, you will do almost anything to get the money together to go buy some.  I've scrounged for change in the car, in pants and coat pockets, in change jars that were there to save for other purposes, all to get a hit of....tobacco?! How ridiculous is that? I find myself, in times of desperation (out of cigarettes) that I would do almost anything in order to get some more.  Now I'm not talking about selling sexual favors or anything (lol), but I would manipulate people to come over if I new they had cigarettes, or I knew they had money I could weasle out of them somehow.  Sounds like a drug addict to me.
More than this, I am SO SICK of my life being controlled by cigarettes.  I can't even begin to calculate the hours spent just sitting there, all alone, smoking.  I've missed out on time with the people I love, just so I could inhale that crap. Not to mention the worsening asthma.  Yes, I have asthma, and I used to smoke!  So retarded, I know. Oh, and there's the high blood pressure that my husband and I were both recently diagnosed with. I don't want to be on the road to stroke-ville anymore.  I'm not getting any younger, and I can't keep playing with my health. 

For anyone who may read this that doesn't know me, my Grandmother and aunt both died from smoking-related illnesses.  I remember, as a young girl, my grandmother hacking her lungs up as she continued to puff away.  "Are you OK, Grandma?" I would always ask her. "Oh, I'm fine...cough, hack, cough", she would say back.  She eventually quit, but it was too late. She got emphasema, and later died.  I miss her terribly, but I don't want to see her anytime soon.  What I'm about to write may seem silly, but I believe it to be true.  Occassionally, I'll look up to the sky and see a cloud in the shape of a heart.  I only see this once in a great while.  But, I think it's Grandma saying, "Hi", or "I love you", or "You can do it".  I know, kinda strange, right?  But that's what my gut tells me, and I believe it.
Anyhoo, that's all for now.  More on day 3 tomorrow.

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