Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 6

Strong urges to smoke today.  Don't know why today compared to other days.  The boredom is getting to me.  I have my dog to thank for my actions today.  I had gone to bed early last night, and forgot to let the dog out.  She was already lying in her bed when I came up to go to slepp, so I thought she would be OK.  WRONG!  Often, after "daddy" goes to work (we have no kids, so we refer to ourselves as mommy and daddy when it comes to the dog, lol), she'll wake me up my jumping on and then off, and then on, and then off (get the picture?) the bed until I get up.  Last night she was trying to do this at about 4 am.  I was not even trying to hear that, so I ignored her.  Big mistake.  I woke up to find our spare bedroom, covered in doggie doodie! OMG, gross.  That'll learn me, won't it?  Oh ya.
Anyway, I got up and got a shower and then headed over to the in-laws to borrow their carpet shampooer...thank God there was one to borrow!  Got back to the house and started to clean the carpet.  Then, I thought while I'm at it, I'll get the office (we used to smoke in there) too.  OK, making progress, why not do the hallway too?  I'm just going like this all day until just now, about 5pm.  Every surface in my house has been cleaned.  I even did some windows.  The house is freaking sparkling!  After all this work, I'm not really looking forward to making dinner.  But at least I kept myself busy today.  Still no smoking, can't hardly believe it. Woohoo!  So, thanks Dotty......I think.
My husband on the other hand, is not doing so good.  He's to the point where he's like, "Leave me alone, I am doing this in my own way."  OK buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night.  To me that means, he is smoking, but won't admit that he's failed at this attempt. He's smokes a lot less then usual when he's at home because I don't smoke.  And he's been very supportive in going to the garage to do so.  So I am thankful for that at least.
I think I'm gonna go plop on the couch for a bit, I'm pooped....literally!

1 comment:

  1. once you get in the cleaning zone, you just have to go with it!!

    you are doing GREAT not smoking!! Jeremy will come around, but only when he sees you do it for good. if you give in, that smidge of hope for him will be gone too. whoo hoo, you rock!!
