Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 9, Part 2

Ok, so I've come down from my manic energy surge this morning.  No depression yet....but it's on it's way.  Hopefully I can get enough cycles of medication in me before it hits.  That would be great.  Here's to hoping!

Anyway, I felt the need to write again today.  And as my invisible audience, you'll all just have to deal with it. 
I am starting to experience the freedom that not smoking is giving me, and I must say I like it.  I was on the couch thinking, I really should go make the bed (put new sheets on).  And then, guess what? I just got up and did it.  Now this may seem quite normal for a non smoker.  But for a smoker, everything, every activity is ruled by cigarettes.  Normally, I would think about actually putting those clean sheets on the bed with a cigarette, and then actually do it.  I needed a cigarette to think about the action of doing just about everything.  Dishes need doing? Oh, I'll do them, but I "need" a cigarette first.  Hell, I sometimes couldn't even leave a room if I wanted to because I was in the middle of a cigarette.  You see what I'm saying here? I made myself a slave, and/or prisoner (take your pick) to something that would eventually kill me.  How dumb is that?

So, I just wanted to share my newfound freedom, that I didn't even know was there for the taking.  Awesome!

I just heard through the family grapevine, that my father-in-law, the chimney of the family, is now taking "something from the doctor that allows him to smoke while he builds up the gumption to quit".  Sounds like Chantix to me. This has not been validated, only a rumor at this point.  But, wow, wouldn't that be awesome?! Of course, if it's true, I would have to take just a little credit for inspiring him to do so.  Even if it's true, it would never be admitted to, but I can think whatever I want, right? Ha!

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