Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 9....Another "manic Monday" (really Saturday)

Day 9
Strangely hyper today.  You know how I said that I promised to take my medicine as I am supposed to?  Well, after not doing so for a while, and then taking it as regularly intended, anti-depressants can send your emotional state for a loop before everything evens out.  Ah, such a double-edged sword, this manic-depression.  I must admit, I love being in the manic part of the disorder.  I wish I could feel this way all the freaking time! Anything is possible.  What do you need?  Oh, I can do it and then some!  So fascinating what a few chemicals in the brain can do to you. The down side is that, as been scientifically proven and personally experienced, that a depression ALWAYS follows a manic period.  That's the part I'm not looking forward to. So, if my post in the next few days takes on a more somber tone, you know why. Other then that, I'll enjoy this while it lasts!  What to do though?

My husband and I have been tossing around the idea of "growing our own".  We have a shed in the backyard, that because of the thick plastic sheeting-type roof, is more like a greenhouse. This would be the perfect place for such an operation, we think.  I need to get out there and take temperature measurements at different points during the day to see if it's really possible.  From what we know so far, you can grow it, up to 6 plants at a time, and then sell it to the dispensaries. No, I do not want it to be known to "friends" that may smoke.  I am not stupid, and do not want endless traffic going in and out of the house from selling to "friends". I put friends in quotes, because the people that you associate with to smoke pot, are usually people you are not friends with otherwise.  Like a drinking buddy, I guess, just smoking instead, right?
Anyway, I know that there are certain risks involved.  As we do not have kids yet, I am more willing to take these risks.  I know it is legal in Colorado (with limitations), but not yet federally.  I think I would want to conceal the transparency of the current roof of this shed, because I don't want the neighbors to learn what we're up to.  Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the neighbors that would be in view of this, accept that they are not very social, as they chose not to come over for our house warming party even to say hi. I don't really care about that, but you never know how uptight people are or what conclusions they will jump to in their head.  Besides that, I care less about what they think, but more about the fact that a break-in and theft would be a possibility because of the transparency of the roof of the shed.  It would be easily viewable form the upstairs windows of the neighbor's house.

I know that my husband would qualify for a growing license, as he has had several knee surgeries in his life, and still sufferes from pain  from a foot injury.  As for myself, I am unaware of it being legit for someone with mental health issues.  I know it does the trick to mellow me out, but how the rule-makers feel about it, is what really matters in this case.  I am a big fan of the edibles. You know, the "special" brownies and such.
This way, I don't have to smoke anything, and I don't have to taunt my asthma.  Also, in my experience, you get a much more thorough high, a "body high", as I've heard it's been called; and it lasts a lot longer when you eat it, too.  Oddly enough, I do experience a bit of a hangover with the edibles.  General lethargy, and feeling kind of run down the next day.

Yep, I used to be a raging pothead.  Self-medicating my bi-polar with pot.  It did work pretty well, but all that smoking is just no good for you. And I've learned, that you can, in fact, smoke yourself retarded.  My short-term memory is definetely shot. So, with my years of experience and wisdom (lol), I've learned that " a little dab will do ya". And with my quitting amoking cigarettes, it's definetley not a good idea to smoke anything, because it would make me want a cigarette afterwords.  So, that's not gonna happen.

What I am going to do though, is teach myself how to cook with it.  There's all kinds of recipees out there for "bud butter", as well as measurements of the green stuff to put in recipees like brownies and such.
But, before any of that happens, we have to get our license to grow.  This costs some money, and requires a doctor's recommendation. My husband has just requested his old medical records to show that he has a legitamite use for it.  Then, I believe the next thing is that he has to see a pot-friendly doctor to get the recommendation.  Then I think he applies for and pays for the license.

The beauty of all this, is that my husband and I can finally have a hobby in common!  We have been searching for such a thing for years.  He is an avid (read: addicted!) gamer, and I don't really have anything specific that I enjoy, except school at this point.  So, I am actually looking forward to getting closer to this goal of becomming legit, and growing some plants.  It would be nice if it's true that you can sell it to the dispensaries.  That almost sounds too good to be true, but we'll see.

Anyway, I'm off to go rig up a thermomter is the shed. After that, I don't know.  As long as this patch is attached to me, I'll be fine.


  1. growing together would be cool (make it legal of course!) but I would highly recommend you not smoke it at all. if you are quitting cigarettes, why smoke anything else? can J quit cigarettes while smoking pot? would he be stoned 24/7? do you like him that way? things to think about I guess.

  2. I have no plan to smoke it, only eat it in treats and stuff. I don't enjoy choking.
    Ya, J has no plans to quit smoking pot, only cigarettes. I'm used to him the way he is, I don't see it escalating, as he constantly has it anyways. I do talk to him about the 24/7 thing sometimes. He knows he's far more attractive to me stone cold sober. But there's nothing I can do to make him comfortable in his own skin. A work in progress.

  3. Amanda: I can relate to your post of day 19. My daughter is going through the same process. While she was at work on a friday (he has friday off) he changed the locks on the house. My advice to her was when he was gone to change them again. All in all he is being a jack***. He has never pooled the house hold income so he believes everything is his. He is not making the car payments or the mortgage payment. So I under stand.
