Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 7 Health benefits beginning...

Well, it's day 7.  And I am starting to realize some of the health benefits of not smoking.  Before, I thought, this is all a bunch of hooey! I have asthma, high blood pressure, and other issues.  I just have them, it's not because of a small innocent little cigarette.  Well, I am happy to report that since I have not been smoking, I have not had to use ny inhaler ONCE! Can you freaking belive it?  I can't.  I am so glad to be relieved of the tight, compressed feeling in my chest that caused me to have to "hit" my inhaler at least twice a day. Not to mention the constant "asthma cough" that never went away. I can now breathe deeply, without coughing.  My asthma was getting so bad towards the end of my smoking that I thought I might end up in the emergency room one day soon.  I am very happy that this fear is slowly drifting away.
Also, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure a couple of months ago.  At the time, I thought it was just about the oddest thing in the world.  I have no family history that I know of, and had never had high blood pressure before.  I came up with the theory that it was probably caused by the change in elevation.  I lived in the midwest and CA before moving to the mile high elevation of Colorado.  This, I'm finding out, is also not true.  My blood pressure was averaging 145/95, to estimate. The highest reading I took on my own was on December 15, it was 158/109.  Kinda scary. I was sufferring from excrutiating headaches and dizzy spells regulary.  After 7 days of not smoking, my blood pressure is on it's was back to normal.  Yesterday I got a reading of 144/120, and today it's down to 138/109.  Aaaah, much better!
While this news makes me very happy, the urge to smoke is not gone.  I am still struggling with it every single day so far.  Especially when my husband has the day off (today) and I know he has some in his coat pocket.  But, I have come to far to cave in now.  I don't want to go through this again! My husband has been very supportive, still smoking in the garage and keeping it out of my sight.  I am thankful for that, it definetely helps.
After cleaning the house from top to bottom yesterday, I need something to do! My back is hurting from sitting in front of the dang TV so much.  I can't go for a walk outside because despite the fact that it's freezing right now, the sidewalks are icy and they don't plow in the neighborhoods ever, just the main busy roads.  So, we'll see what I can come up with for something to do.  I think it'll be crocheting today, we'll see....

1 comment:

  1. does the second hand smoke on his clothes bother you now? it will.
